There are six major problems with this MB-H2, but it was worth buying because it came in the original box, complete with the manual and function key cards! Which I’ve scanned (i.e., the manual and function key cards); scroll right past the moldy pictures and you’ll find download links. Anyway, here are this machine’s problems:
The cassette belt had turned into goo. I think all cassette belts turn into goo on this machine. Yum. (Fixed)
The data recorder’s reed switch to detect the record protection tab is slightly broken (you have to push it when starting a recording). (Not fixed because easy to work around)
The screen is sometimes garbled. (Fix in progress.) (At first it looked like the VRAM was partially bad, but actually, after a couple resets, the screen looked fine. It looked like it was the -5V power supply, which widely swung around between maybe -3V and -6V, and just consists of a -12V input coming from the main power supply board, a Zener diode and a capacitor, but replacing that didn’t improve the situation, so it currently seems likely to me that one of (or multiple) RAM chips for the VRAM have an unusual fault. But that’s a story for another blog post.) Update 2023/08/13: And here is that blog post!
The MB-H2 had a lot of mold inside! (Fixed)
I’m not a huge fan of mold. Seeing the inside of this machine honestly made me question my hobby choices!
Eurghhhhh. I tried a couple of things:
Soapy water, rubbed in using a toothbrush. Some improvement. Maybe 70% there?
Window cleaner, rubbed in using a toothbrush. Some more improvement. Maybe 80%?
Bleachy water, rubbed in using a toothbrush. Marginal improvement. Maybe 85%?
Specialized mold cleaning solution (“カビキラー”), rubbed in using a toothbrush. Almost no mold left. Let’s say 98%.
Magic eraser (“激落ち君”). No mold left.
Should have skipped (1) and (3). I normally wouldn’t have done (1) anyway, but I was out of window cleaner. Here’s an after pic:
Finally, the lid had one more cosmetic problem bothering me:
Once the (rather heavy-duty) protective plastic sticker is off (which was easy, just some prying, but YMMV), a very brittle label reveals itself, which I removed using a hair dryer and a cup of patience.
Since my other MB-H2 doesn’t have this problem, I took a high-res picture of the label, traced it in Inkscape, and printed a new sticker. Some parts of the sticker are supposed to be cut out or translucent so you can see an LED shining through. Here’s my Inkscape SVG:
And another version with three slightly different sizes (the top one is the same size as the SVG above):
Japan’s convenience store printers (at the time of this writing) let you print “2L” (127 mm x 178 mm, or 5″ x 7.01389″) stickers, and the above SVG with three different sizes just fits on such a 2L format is just a little too big for that format, though it may depend on the printer and your print margins. Still usable though!
In addition, here are (400 dpi) scans of the two cards you slip into the card holder above the function keys:
The above PDF files should be exactly the correct size; you should be able to just print this on a piece of paper of your choosing without having to fiddle with the print settings. Note: Hitachi used paper that is somewhat thicker than regular office paper, perhaps post card-thick. Note: I am not 100% sure if the dot after “LIST” on F9 is supposed to be there. I believe that the Hitachi MB-H1 (and perhaps other variations) used the exact same cards.
And here’s the finished lid. I had some stickers lying around that are very easy to remove, and used those as my base, and printed my label on regular sticker paper at a nearby convenience store. I also put a slightly thicker semi-translucent sticker on top of that. (I probably should have kept the original heavy-duty translucent protective sticker, oh well.) Unfortunately the colors don’t quite look the same as the original, but they look believable, which is all that counts, right? (And maybe they’ll look closer in a few years.)
I also did some “dry retrobrighting”. In the below picture, I had left the top lid hanging in a very sunny spot for multiple days (until I no longer thought it was getting better), and hadn’t applied any intentional retrobrighting to the case’s bottom part. You can just see that the lid’s plastic is a little brighter than the bottom part. (It looks more pronounced in real life, you’ll just have to trust me on that though.)
I scanned the manual using a book edge scanner! I didn’t scan the vast majority of the book dealing with how to program in BASIC because that part is almost identical to what’s in the manual for the H1, available at (Except for occasional explanations of H2-specific features, such as “CALL HCOPY”.)
I did scan the parts of the BASIC reference detailing the cassette-related keywords, though. I also scanned the pages detailing the monitor commands, only later realizing that the H1 has these pages too. There are some differences though, so phew I guess.
I only just now realized that the manual for the H2 contains two extra sample programs not included in the H1’s manual. I didn’t include them in the PDF but since they are cute, here are pictures:
Symptoms: black screen, no sound, no activity whatsoever.
Summary: this machine contains a NiCad battery, which leaked. The machine started working after cleaning up the leak. That’s the good part. Let’s jump into the nitty-gritty.
Some electrolyte also made its way up to the keyboard PCB. All these traces tested fine.
The first step is to remove the battery. The second step is cleanup. Fortunately, all internet sources I read stated that cadmium doesn’t leak out of the battery, just the electrolyte (maybe at ppm or ppb levels, but nothing to worry about IMO as long as you don’t use your bare skin or tongue to clean up the leak). There are various sources out there about how to best go about the cleanup. I only used IPA for now. I’m thinking of giving it a water bath… But I’m too much of a chicken. D:
The NiCad battery destroyed a joystick trace, which prevents one of the joysticks from working correctly. (The traces to the right of the NiCad battery, right at the edge of the board, are for the upper joystick.) Unfortunately, this trace goes into a SMD chip, the Yamaha S3527. With through-hole chips, we could just add a bodge wire on the back of the board. With SMD chips, we have to repair the trace. I elected to skip doing this, as I’m not sure where the trace is broken. Judging by the visuals, it could be broken along its entire length or in multiple sections. Also, adding a long bodge wire on the top of the board seemed kind of messy. So we’ll live without one of the joysticks for now.
Edit 2022/12/04: I repaired the trace. I scraped off solder mask in various places, narrowed it down to a small region, scraped off more solder in that region, and tinned the trace. (I used my poor multimeter probes to scrape off the solder mask.) That made it a bit easier to find the exact location of the two breaks. I ended up using solder to bridge the breaks. These traces are tiny, and I also had to take out a ferrite bead to get to the right one. And of course, while soldering the ferrite bead back in, I melted the solder bridge and had to have another go at it. Though it was much easier of course as it was already mostly there. As the drop of solder could break off, or nearby rework could break the trace again, so this isn’t the best way to fix it. It would probably be best to solder in a very tiny wire.
The battery leak also destroyed a capacitor (C88) and the flexible cable for the keyboard (and its connector, more or less).
I desoldered the keyboard connectors (both on the keyboard itself and the mainboard), and added pin headers instead. Here are some pictures of the removal process:
I’d planned on just running jumper wires with DuPont connectors, but my jumper wires were too long. The keyboard worked, but I was no longer able to fit the computer’s lid on its case because the jumper wires would bump against the cartridge slot. Putting on and taking off the jumper wires one-by-one was pretty annoying, so I decided to use a ribbon cable as used for IDE drives, plus four of the jumper wires. That made it pretty easy to plug and unplug the keyboard, which is useful when switching between software-based tests and hardware fixes. However, the lid still wouldn’t fit very well. It was just barely possible to close it, but it very much relied on the screws to hold it in place.
The keyboard had a couple of non-working keys. The keyboard isn’t very “repair-friendly”. Each key switch has two little feet. When taking out the key switches, you are likely to break them off.
This machine just worked. The keyboard was filthy, so I cleaned the key caps using my ultrasonic cleaner. Removing the key caps was straightforward.
Some time passes…
Maybe it’s a good idea to, at the very least, first of all examine the power cable before plugging in old electronics. I fixed the cable by cutting off this section, which meant I had to desolder the old section from the terminals, wire strip, and re-solder.
Just broken solder joints on the AV connector.
Update 2022/12/03: Audio was indeed broken again. Bad solder joint on Q2’s emitter. Factory didn’t use enough solder. Hardly any solder, in fact. Fixed.
None of these repairs went off without a hitch.
HB-F900: success!
HB-10: success!
HB-T7: broken clips on key switches. Also need to put some more thought into the keyboard connection. Joystick not fixed. (The lower joystick is fine.) Update 2022/12/04: joystick traces are fixed (see above)
HB-101: needed glue. Perhaps there’s a special tool that they used at the factory for the stress relief thingy. Or perhaps they’re one-way. Not a huge problem IMO.
HB-11: audio is broken again. Sure, the connectors are probably not that great in the first place, but still… Update 2022/12/03: fixed.
There was some NiCad battery leakage. Nothing compared to what I saw on the Sony HB-T7, and I was able to clean it up quickly.
There was no oscillating signal on the VDP’s XTAL 1/XTAL 2 (pins 63 and 64). Unlike all other retro computers I have seen thus far, this signal is generated by a 74LS628 IC on the analog board. However, it took me a while to figure out that that is the case. In fact, I did not realize this until I decided to take a look at the service manual for a very similar computer, the Sony HB-G900P, linked from the bottom of the page at This service manual mentioned the 74LS628 IC, and how to adjust it.
However, this IC wasn’t even getting 5V, and it turns out that there’s a 5V supply separate from the 5V supply used to supply power to all the other logic chips on the two boards. The IC gets its 5V through two linear regulators, first a 7809 turning 12V into 9V, and a 7805 turning 9V into 5V. The 7809 was broken with the following failure mode: up to about 10V, it output input minus 1-2V, and beyond that, it output 0.5-2V.
Replacing the 7809 fixed the machine. However, it appears that the floppy drives may be somewhat broken. I’ll look into that soon.
In this article, we’ll create a short memory test for use on MSX/MSX2 machines to check the lower 32 KB of RAM. Why only the lower 32 KB of RAM? Because you can check the higher 32 KB using pure BASIC PEEKs and POKEs, and generally software won’t run if the higher 32 KB has defects. (Many games may still run even with defects in the lower 32 KB.)
It’s useful to have a test that can be run from BASIC and that can be typed into the machine in a couple minutes.
MSX bank switching
The MSX has a CPU that can only address 65536 addresses, but can have 64 KB of RAM and at least 16 KB of ROM. In a previous article, I mentioned that that is probably handled by copying ROM into RAM, but that is wrong. Instead, there is a chip that has a couple registers and enables/disables ROM/RAM chips based on the value of one of those registers.
On some MSX machines (but not the ones I tried) you may be able to read out that register from BASIC:
print inb(&ha8)
Summary: ROM/RAM can be switched in/out in 16 KB chunks, 0x0000-0x3fff, 0x4000-0x7fff, 0x8000-0xbfff, 0xc000-0xffff. There are four choices possible for each chunk. The register is 8 bits: 2 bits for the first chunk, 2 bits for the second chunk, etc.
There is another register (or rather another register for each slot) though, and it’s often used on MSX2 machines. This register is accessed in memory space, not I/O space. (Memory address 65535, requires that the correct slot be selected in the 0xc000-0xffff chunk.) This register gives us another four choices to select a different ROM/RAM for each choice already made. In other words, we have 4 pages (chunks), 4 slots (ROM/RAM choices), and for each slot, another 4 “subslots” (ROM/RAM choices). If you didn’t 100% understand that, don’t worry, I don’t actually think it’s comprehensible the way I wrote it. But you may still be able to follow the discussion below.
When we start BASIC on a 64 KB machine, we’ll probably have the lower 32 KB mapped to some kind of ROM, and the upper 32 KB mapped to RAM. BASIC then lets us use about 28 KB of that RAM and reserves about 4 KB for its own purposes, or so I assume. (The firmware selects the right slots and subslots to make this work for the machine in question, and the required numbers are different depending on the machine’s configuration. Also remember that there are RAM extension cartridges. During the boot phase, the firmware actively probes the 16 KB chunks to see if something is RAM or not. BTW, if the RAM is sufficiently bad, it won’t detect it as RAM at all and you’ll never see the boot screen.)
BASIC runs from ROM. If we disable that ROM (the “slot” containing the ROM) and instead enable RAM (the “slot” containing the RAM) on that “page” (chunk), we’ll be pulling the carpet from under BASIC’s feet. So if we run a command like this in BASIC:
out &ha8,0
The system will freeze immediately. So instead, we’ll be writing our memory test in assembler and poke it into memory, and then execute it.
We’ll be using a total of 9 instructions in our memory test program. Even if you have never seen Z80 assembly code, the following is almost all you need to know: “di” disables interrupts, just in case. “ei” re-enables interrupts. “ret” returns from our code, i.e., we’ll go back to BASIC. “ld” loads some 8-bit value to destination, from source. Numbers in (parentheses) are like dereference in C. (Except for in/out, you always uses parentheses there.) “cp” is compare argument with register “a”. (Some instructions require the use of register “a”.) “jp” is jump. “jp z,…” is “jump if equal”. “z” meaning, “if zero flag is set”.
Let’s first take a look at a short program that switches slots, undos the switch, and returns. It looks like this:
org 0c000h
di ; disable interrupts
ld a,0ffh ; put "255" in register "a" (the correct value depends on your machine!)
out (0a8h),a ; enable IO write, and put "0xa8" on the address bus and contents of register "a" on the data bus
ld hl,0ffffh ; put "65535" in register "hl"
ld (hl),0ffh ; write "255" into *hl, i.e. into address 65535 (the correct value to write depends on your machine!)
; now undo everything:
ld a,0f0h ; put "240" in register "a" (the correct value depends on your machine!)
out (0a8h),a ; enable IO write, and put "0xa8" on the address bus and contents of register "a" (i.e., 240) on the data bus
ld hl,0ffffh ; put "65535" in register "hl"
ld (hl),0f0h ; write "0" into *hl, i.e. into address 65535 (the correct value to write depends on your machine!)
ei ; enable interrupts
ret ; return to caller (BASIC)
This code can be assembled using “z80asm”, which is available in Debian’s repositories at least. z80asm outputs a file called “a.bin”. We can convert that file to unsigned 8-bit integers for use on BASIC data lines using od -t u1 a.bin.
Anyway, now we just need to add some code between the two snippets above. We want code that writes to memory addresses and then compares what was written. Here’s the annotated assembly code to do that:
ld hl,00h ; put 0 in register "hl"
write: ; this is a label that we can use in "jp" (jump) instructions
ld (hl),0ffh ; put 255 in *hl, i.e. address 0
inc hl ; increment hl register
ld a,h ; put high byte of "hl" register into "a" register
cp 080h ; check if the "a" register contains 0x80
jp z,done_writing ; if yes, that means we have incremented the hl register a bunch of times and it's time to go check if what we wrote earlier is still there (i.e. we've written 255 into 0x0000 to 0x7fff)
jp write ; if we reach this instruction, that means that the previous instruction didn't perform its conditional jump. this instruction jumps back to the instruction at the "write" label (ld (hl),0ffh). i.e., we haven't reached 0x8000 yet.
done_writing: ; this is a label
ld hl,00h ; put 0 in register "hl"
compare: ; this is a label
ld a,0ffh ; put 255 in register "a"
cp (hl) ; compare contents of register "a" with contents of *hl, i.e. memory address 0
jp nz,bad ; we put 255 in there earlier but this address contains something else now, that means we have bad memory
inc hl ; if we reach this instruction, that means that the previous instruction didn't perform its conditional jump. increment hl register
ld a,h ; put high byte of "hl" register into "a" register
cp 0c0h ; check if the "a" register contains 0xc0
jp z,done ; if yes, that means we have incremented the hl register a bunch of times and it's time to go home
jp compare ; if we reach this instruction, that means that the previous instruction didn't perform its conditional jump. this instruction jumps back to the instruction at the "compare" label (ld a,0ffh)
Finding the correct values for I/O port A8 and memory port 65535
To make the assembled code work on your MSX, you will most likely have to change the values to be written into the A8 I/O register and the values to be written into address 65535 to select the correct sub-slot.
We want to access RAM, and it’s at slot 3, subslot 3. In BASIC, I get the following output:
This output is inverted. 15 is 0b00001111 in binary, but we should read this as 0b11110000. The lowest two bits specify the subslot for the 0x0000-0x3fff block. The subslot is set to 0b00, i.e. 0 here. Same for 0x4000-0x7fff. On page 0x8000-0xbfff, we see that subslot 0b11, i.e., 3 is selected. Same for 0xc000-0xffff. This is as expected — the above table from the MSX wiki page specifies that all RAM is at subslot 3 (of slot 3).
If we want the lower pages to point to RAM, we not only have to set the A8 register to 3 (because all the RAM is at slot 3), we also have to select subslot 3.
I.e., to set the subslots for all four 16 KB chunks (“pages”) to use RAM, which is at slot 3 subslot 3, we have to write 0b11111111. To revert this, we have to write 0b11110000 (our peek showed 15 (0b00001111) at memory address 65535, but this is inverted, hence 0b11110000).
Customizing the memory test
In the above code, we write 0xff to all addresses, and then later check if 0xff is still there. However, one very common type of memory fault is “stuck bits”, where memory bits are always stuck at 1, even if we’d written 0. In order to test that, I recommend that you change “ld (hl),0ffh” and “ld a,0ffh” under the “write” and “compare” labels to different values.
We also have to think about what to do if we have encountered bad memory. One easy thing we can do is generate an audible click. (May be somewhat faint.) Here’s the code to do that:
ld a,15
out (0abh),a
ld a,14
out (0abh),a
ld a,15
Writing 15 and then 14 to 0xAB produces a click. You can do this in BASIC too:
out &hab,15:out &hab,14
Alternatively, we could write the memory address that contained something unexpected into some memory location, for example like this:
ld de,0c100h ; memory address to write to
ld a,h
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,l
ld (de),a
This would write the significant byte of the failed address to 0xc100 and the insignificant byte to 0xc101.
Putting it all together
Here’s the assembly code for the whole test:
org 0c000h
ld a,0ffh
out (0a8h),a
ld hl,0ffffh
ld (hl),0ffh
ld hl,00h
ld (hl),0
; ld (hl),l ; alternative code, fills RAM with 0x00-0xff, 0x00-0xff, ...
; nop
inc hl
ld a,h
cp 080h
jp z,done_writing
jp write
ld hl,00h
ld a,0
; ld a,l ; alternative code, see above
; nop
cp (hl)
jp nz,bad
inc hl
ld a,h
cp 080h
jp z,done
jp compare
bad: ; audible click version
ld a,15
out (0abh),a
ld a,14
out (0abh),a
ld a,15
ld a,0f0h
out (0a8h),a
ld hl,0ffffh
ld (hl),0f0h
And here’s the short BASIC loader:
10 i=49152
20 read j
30 if j=-1 then goto 80
40 poke i,j
50 i=i+1
60 goto 20
70 data 243,62,255,211,168,33,255,255,54,255,33,0,0,54,255,35,124,254,128,202,25,192,195,13,192,33,0,0,62,255,190,194,44,192,35,124,254,128,202,54,192,195,28,192,62,16,211,171,62,14,211,171,62,15,62,240,211,168,33,255,255,54,240,251,201,-1
80 def usr1=49152
If you get “Ok.” after “x=usr1(0)”, the machine hasn’t crashed (which means your slot and subslot selections were correct). If you heard a click, your memory is probably defective.
The click may be hard to hear, so maybe try running “x=usr1(0)” in a loop:
My Hitachi MB-H2 MSX machine has an analog RGB port that produces a 15.6 KHz CSYNC (combined horizontal and vertical) signal and analog voltages indicating how red, green or yellow things are.
I recently unearthed my old LCD from 2006 or so and decided to see if I could get it to sync if I just massaged the CSYNC signal a bit to bring it to TTL levels and connected a VGA cable.
(Technical details: when you connect a VGA cable to a monitor that is powered on, you will often first of all see a message like “Cable not connected”. To get past that problem, you first have to ground a certain pin on the VGA connector. I found that female Dupont connectors fit reasonably well on male VGA connectors so I just used a cable with female Dupont connectors on both ends to connect the two relevant pins. I’m not sure if it’s the same pin on all monitors. You can find the pin by looking for a pin that should be GND according to the VGA pinout but actually has some voltage on it. Don’t blame me if you break your Dupont connectors by following this advice.)
Unfortunately, that didn’t work. I got “Input not supported”, and I am reasonably sure that is because my monitor doesn’t support 15 KHz signals. Aw, why’d I even bother taking it out of storage?
So what do we do… Well there is this library (PicoVGA) that produces VGA signals using the Raspberry Pi Pico’s PIOs. Raspberry Pi Picos are extremely cheap, just about 600 yen per piece where I am.
Damn, I’ve seen this in videos, but seeing this in real life, a tiny, puny microcontroller generating fricking VGA signals! Amazing. Just last year I was playing around with monochrome composite output on an Arduino Nano, and even that was super impressive to me! (Cue people reading this 20 years in the future and laughing at the silly dude with the retro microcontroller from year-of-the-pandemic 2020. I’m sure microcontrollers in the 2040s will have 32 cores and dozens of pins with built-in 1 GHz DACs and ADCs and mains voltage tolerance, and will be able to generate a couple streams of 4K video ;D)
Some boring technical notes I took before embarking on the project, feel free to skip this section
Is the Pico’s VGA library magic? Yes, definitely. Can we add our own magic to simultaneously capture video and output it via the VGA library? It sure looks like it! Why?
The Pico has two CPU cores, and the VGA library uses just one of them, the second core
Dual-core microcontroller, that’s craziness
We may be able to use the second core a little bit anyway (“If the second core is not very busy (e.g. when displaying 8-bit graphics that are simply transferred using DMA transfer), it can also be used for the main program work.”)
We will indeed be working with 8-bit graphics simply transferred using DMA
The Pico has two PIO controllers, and the VGA library uses just one (“The display of the image by the PicoVGA library is performed by the PIO processor controller. PIO0 is used. The other controller, PIO1, is unused and can be used for other purposes.”)
We possibly won’t be able to use DMA all that much (“Care must also be taken when using DMA transfer. DMA is used to transfer data to the PIO. Although the transfer uses a FIFO cache, using a different DMA channel may cause the render DMA channel to be delayed and thus cause the video to drop out. A DMA overload can occur, for example, when a large block of data in RAM is transferred quickly. However, the biggest load is the DMA transfer of data from flash memory. In this case, the DMA channel waits for data to be read from flash via QSPI and thus blocks the DMA render channel.”)
If we use PIO and DMA for capturing video-in, we might run into trouble there
However, using DMA to capture and another DMA transfer to transfer the data to VGA out sounds somewhat inefficient; maybe it’s possible to directly transfer from capture PIO to VGA PIO? Would require modifications to the VGA library, which doesn’t sound so great right now (we didn’t do this)
That said, it’s likely that capturing without the use of PIO would be fast enough, generally speaking. The “pixel clock” for a 320×200 @ 60 Hz signal is between 4.944 and 6 MHz according to (select 320×200 / 60 in the drop-down menu), depending on some kind of mode that I don’t know anything about. According to our oscilloscope capture of a single pixel on one of the color channels (DS1Z_QuickPrint22.png), we get about 5.102 MHz. Let’s take that value. We’ll hopefully be able to calculate the exact value at some point. (Yeah, the TMS59918A/TMS59928A/TMS59929A datasheet actually (almost) mentions the exact value! “The VDP is designed to operate with a 10.738635 (± 0.005) MHz crystal”, “This master clock is divided by two to generate the pixel clock (5.3 MHz)”. So it’s 5.3693175 MHz, thank you very much.)
This means that we have to be able to capture at exactly that frequency. From our previous experimental logic analyzer (which doesn’t use PIO) we were more than capable of capturing everything going on with our Z80 CPU — we had multiple samples of every single state the CPU happened to be in, and the CPU ran at 3.58 MHz. (However, if the VGA library chooses to set the CPU to use a lower clock frequency, we may run into problems. It’s possible to prevent the library from adjusting the clock frequency, but maybe that will impact image quality.) The main part of the code looked like this:
for (i = 0; i < LOGIC_BUFFER_LEN; i++) { logic_buffer[i] = gpio_get_all() & ALL_REGULAR_GPIO_PINS; }
To capture video, we’d like to post-process our capture just a little bit, to convert it to 3-3-2 RGB. Or we could post-process our capture during VSYNC, but that would be a rather tight fit, with only 1.2 ms to work with. (Actually, our signal’s VSYNC pulse is even shorter than that, but there’s nothing on the RGB pins for a while before and after that.)
So our loop might look like this. (Note, the code I ended up writing looks reasonably similar to this, which is why I’m including this here.)
for (x = 0; x < 320; x++) {
pixel = gpio_get_all();
red = msb_table_inverted[((pixel & R_MASK) >> R_SHIFT) << R_SHIFT];
green = msb_table_inverted[((pixel & G_MASK) >> G_SHIFT) << G_SHIFT];
blue = msb_table_inverted[((pixel & B_MASK) >> B_SHIFT) << B_SHIFT];
capture[y][x] = red | (green << 3) | (blue << 6);
Where msb_table_inverted is a lookup table to convert our raw GPIO input to the proper R/G/B values. This depends on how we do the analog to digital conversion, so the loop might look slightly different in the end.
Well, how likely is it that this will produce a perfectly synced capture? About 0% in my opinion. If we’re too fast, we’ll get a horizontally compressed image. If we’re too slow, the image will be wider than it should be, and more importantly, cut off on the right side. In the first case, we may be able to improve the situation by adding the right amount of NOPs. In the second case, we could reduce the amount of on-the-fly post-processing, and do stuff during HBLANK or VBLANK instead. In addition, we might miss a few pixels on the left side if we can’t begin capturing immediately when we get our HSYNC interrupt. How likely is this to succeed? It might work, I think.
The PIOs can also be used without DMA. (Instead of using DMA, we’d use functions like pio_sm_get_blocking().) With PIO, we can get perfect timing, which would be really great to have. We can’t off-load any arithmetic or bit twiddling operations, the PIOs don’t have that. So let’s dig in and run some experiments.
You can specify the number of samples you’d like to read (const uint CAPTURE_N_SAMPLES = 96)
You can specify the number of pins you’d like to sample from (const uint CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT = 2)
You can specify the frequency you’d like to read at (logic_analyser_init(pio, sm, CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT, 1.f), where “1.f” is a divider of the system clock. I.e., this will capture at system clock speed. We can specify a float number here.)
The PIO input is (mostly?) independent from what else you have going on on that pin, so the code of course proceeds to configure a PWM signal on a pin, and to capture from that same pin. Bonkers!
Well, let’s cut to the chase, shall we? I took parts of the logic_analyser code to capture the input from RGB, then wrote some code to massage the captured data a little bit, and then output everything using PicoVGA at a higher resolution. After some troubleshooting, I got a readable signal!
However, my capture has wobbly scanlines. Which is why there might be a part 2. And since it’s wobbly, I spent even less effort on the analog to digital conversion than I’d originally planned, which was already rather “poor man” (more on that later, because the code assumes that circuit exists).
I’m triggering the capture by looking for a positive to negative transition. (That’s already two out of the three instructions my PIO program consists of, one to wait for positive, one to wait for negative.) I currently don’t really know why my scanlines are wobbly. I had a few looks with the oscilloscope to see if there’s anything wrong in my circuit that converts CSYNC to TTL levels — for example, slow response from the transistor. But I didn’t find anything so far. :3 It’s of course entirely possible that the source signal is wonky. I’ve never had a chance to connect my MSX to a monitor that supports 15 KHz signals. (Now that’s a major TODO right there.) Of course there are other ways to check if the signal is okay.
We could also (hopefully) get rid of the wobbling by only paying attention to the VSYNC and timing scanlines ourselves, for example by generating them using the Pico’s PWM. As seen in the original logic_analyser.c code! But that’s something for part 2 I guess.
BTW, it’s unlikely that the wobbliness is being caused by a problem with the code or resource contention. I tested this by switching the capture to an off-screen buffer after a few seconds. The screen displayed the last frame captured into the real framebuffer, and was entirely static. I.e., I added code like this into the main loop (which you will see below):
What I actually planned to do: the program I wrote expects four different levels of red, green, and blue. There are three pins per color, and if all pins of a color are 0, that means that color is 0, if only one is 1, that’s still quite dark, if two are 1, that’s somewhat bright, and if all three are 1, then that’s bright. The program then converts that into two bits (0, 1, 2, 3); PicoVGA works with 8-bit colors, 3 bits for red, 3 bits for green, 2 bits for blue. That means that we can capture all the blue we need, and for red and green we could scale the numbers a bit. However, I shelved that plan for now, because I don’t even have enough potentiometers at the moment, and if the signal is as wobbly as it is, that’s just putting lipstick on a pig. Instead, I just took a single color (blue, just because that was less likely to short my MacGyver wiring), and feed that into all colors’ “bright” pin.
As my MSX’s RGB signal voltages are a bit funky (-0.7 to 0.1 IIRC), I converted that to something the Pico can understand using a simple class A-kinda amplifier. The signal gets inverted by this circuit, but that’s fine for a POC. Completely blue will be black, and vice versa.
So here’s the code:
#include "include.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/pio.h"
#include "hardware/dma.h"
#include "hardware/structs/bus_ctrl.h"
// Some logic to analyse:
#include "hardware/structs/pwm.h"
const uint CAPTURE_PIN_BASE = 9;
const uint CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT = 10; // CSYNC, 3*R, 3*G, 3*B
const float PIXEL_CLOCK = 5369.3175f; // datasheet (TMS9918A_TMS9928A_TMS9929A_Video_Display_Processors_Data_Manual_Nov82.pdf) page 3-8 / section 3.6.1 says 5.3693175 MHz (10.73865/2)
// from same page on datasheet
// COLOR BURST 14 14
// LEFT BORDER 13 19
// TOTAL 342 342
const uint INPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH = 308; // left blanking + color burst + left blanking + left border + active + right border
// TOTAL 262
const uint INPUT_VIDEO_HEIGHT = 240; // top blanking + top border + active + 1/3 of bottom border
const uint INPUT_VIDEO_HEIGHT_OFFSET_Y = 40; // ignore top 40 (top blanking + top border) scanlines
// we're capturing everything there is to see on the horizontal axis, but throwing out most of the border on the vertical axis
// NOTE: other machines probably have different blanking/border periods
const uint OUTPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH = 320;
const uint OUTPUT_VIDEO_HEIGHT = 200;
uint offset; // Lazy global variable; this holds the offset of our PIO program
// Framebuffer
static inline uint bits_packed_per_word(uint pin_count) {
// If the number of pins to be sampled divides the shift register size, we
// can use the full SR and FIFO width, and push when the input shift count
// exactly reaches 32. If not, we have to push earlier, so we use the FIFO
// a little less efficiently.
const uint SHIFT_REG_WIDTH = 32;
return SHIFT_REG_WIDTH - (SHIFT_REG_WIDTH % pin_count);
void logic_analyser_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint pin_base, uint pin_count, float div) {
// Load a program to capture n pins. This is just a single `in pins, n`
// instruction with a wrap.
uint16_t capture_prog_instr[3];
capture_prog_instr[0] = pio_encode_wait_gpio(false, pin_base);
capture_prog_instr[1] = pio_encode_wait_gpio(true, pin_base);
capture_prog_instr[2] = pio_encode_in(pio_pins, pin_count);
struct pio_program capture_prog = {
.instructions = capture_prog_instr,
.length = 3,
.origin = -1
offset = pio_add_program(pio, &capture_prog);
// Configure state machine to loop over this `in` instruction forever,
// with autopush enabled.
pio_sm_config c = pio_get_default_sm_config();
sm_config_set_in_pins(&c, pin_base);
sm_config_set_wrap(&c, offset+2, offset+2); // do not repeat pio_encode_wait_gpio instructions
sm_config_set_clkdiv(&c, div);
// Note that we may push at a < 32 bit threshold if pin_count does not
// divide 32. We are using shift-to-right, so the sample data ends up
// left-justified in the FIFO in this case, with some zeroes at the LSBs.
sm_config_set_in_shift(&c, true, true, bits_packed_per_word(pin_count)); // push when we have reached 32 - (32 % pin_count) bits (27 if pin_count==9, 30 if pin_count==10)
sm_config_set_fifo_join(&c, PIO_FIFO_JOIN_RX); // TX not used, so we can use everything for RX
pio_sm_init(pio, sm, offset, &c);
void logic_analyser_arm(PIO pio, uint sm, uint dma_chan, uint32_t *capture_buf, size_t capture_size_words,
uint trigger_pin, bool trigger_level) {
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, false);
// Need to clear _input shift counter_, as well as FIFO, because there may be
// partial ISR contents left over from a previous run. sm_restart does this.
pio_sm_clear_fifos(pio, sm);
pio_sm_restart(pio, sm);
dma_channel_config c = dma_channel_get_default_config(dma_chan);
channel_config_set_read_increment(&c, false);
channel_config_set_write_increment(&c, true);
channel_config_set_dreq(&c, pio_get_dreq(pio, sm, false)); // pio_get_dreq returns something the DMA controller can use to know when to transfer something
dma_channel_configure(dma_chan, &c,
capture_buf, // Destination pointer
&pio->rxf[sm], // Source pointer
capture_size_words, // Number of transfers
true // Start immediately
pio_sm_exec(pio, sm, pio_encode_jmp(offset)); // just restarting doesn't jump back to the initial_pc AFAICT
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, true);
void blink(uint32_t ms=500)
gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, true);
gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, false);
// uint8_t msb_table_inverted[8] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0 };
uint8_t msb_table_inverted[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3 };
void post_process(uint8_t *rgb_bufy, uint32_t *capture_buf, uint buf_size_words)
uint16_t i, j, k;
uint32_t temp;
for (i = 8, j = 0; i < buf_size_words; i++, j += 3) { // start copying at pixel 24 (8*3) (i.e., ignore left blank and color burst, exactly 24 pixels).
temp = capture_buf[i] >> (2+1); // 2: we're only shifting in 30 bits out of 32, 1: ignore csync
rgb_bufy[j] = msb_table_inverted[temp & 0b111]; // red
rgb_bufy[j] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000) >> 3] << 3); // green
rgb_bufy[j] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000000) >> 6] << 6); // blue
temp >>= 10; // go to next sample, ignoring csync
rgb_bufy[j+1] = msb_table_inverted[temp & 0b111]; // red
rgb_bufy[j+1] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000) >> 3] << 3); // green
rgb_bufy[j+1] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000000) >> 6] << 6); // blue
temp >>= 10; // go to next sample, ignoring csync
rgb_bufy[j+2] = msb_table_inverted[temp & 0b111]; // red
rgb_bufy[j+2] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000) >> 3] << 3); // green
rgb_bufy[j+2] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000000) >> 6] << 6); // blue
int main()
uint16_t i, y;
gpio_set_dir(CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, GPIO_IN);
// initialize videomode
Video(DEV_VGA, RES_CGA, FORM_8BIT, rgb_buf);
// We're going to capture into a u32 buffer, for best DMA efficiency. Need
// to be careful of rounding in case the number of pins being sampled
// isn't a power of 2.
uint total_sample_bits = CAPTURE_N_SAMPLES * CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT;
total_sample_bits += bits_packed_per_word(CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT) - 1;
uint buf_size_words = total_sample_bits / bits_packed_per_word(CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT);
uint32_t *capture_buf0 = (uint32_t*)malloc(buf_size_words * sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t *capture_buf1 = (uint32_t*)malloc(buf_size_words * sizeof(uint32_t));
// Grant high bus priority to the DMA, so it can shove the processors out
// of the way. This should only be needed if you are pushing things up to
// >16bits/clk here, i.e. if you need to saturate the bus completely.
// (Didn't try this)
PIO pio = pio1;
uint sm = 0;
uint dma_chan = 8; // 0-7 may be used by VGA library (depending on resolution)
logic_analyser_init(pio, sm, CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT, (float)Vmode.freq/PIXEL_CLOCK);
// 1) DMA in 1st scan line, wait for completion
// 2) DMA in 2nd scan line, post-process previous scan line, wait for completion
// 3) DMA in 3rd scan line, post-process previous scan line, wait for completion
// ...
// n) Post-process last scanline
// I'm reasonably sure we have enough processing power to post-process scanlines in real time, we should have about 80 us.
// At 126 MHz each clock cycle is about 8 ns, so we have 10000 instructions to process about 320 bytes, or 31.25 instructions per byte.
while (true) {
// "Software-render" vsync detection... I.e., wait for low on csync, usleep for hsync_pulse_time+something, check if we're still low
// If we are, that's a vsync pulse!
// This works well enough AFAICT
while (true) {
while(gpio_get(CAPTURE_PIN_BASE)); // wait for negative pulse on csync
sleep_us(10); // hsync negative pulse is about 4.92 us according to oscilloscope, so let's wait a little longer than 4.92 us
if (!gpio_get(CAPTURE_PIN_BASE)) // we're still low! this must be a vsync pulse
for (y = 0; y <= INPUT_VIDEO_HEIGHT_OFFSET_Y; y ++) { // capture and throw away first 40 scanlines, capture without throwing away 41st scanline
logic_analyser_arm(pio, sm, dma_chan, capture_buf0, buf_size_words, CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, true);
logic_analyser_arm(pio, sm, dma_chan, capture_buf1, buf_size_words, CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, true);
post_process(rgb_buf + (y-1)*OUTPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH, capture_buf0, buf_size_words);
logic_analyser_arm(pio, sm, dma_chan, capture_buf0, buf_size_words, CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, true);
post_process(rgb_buf + y*OUTPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH, capture_buf1, buf_size_words);
post_process(rgb_buf + (y-2)*OUTPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH, capture_buf0, buf_size_words);
Replace vga_hello/src/main.cpp with the above file and recompile (make program.uf2). Maybe this post will help if you are on something that isn’t Windows and can’t get this to compile.
The PIO program is generated in the logic_analyser_init function. Here it is again:
First we wait for a “false” (low) signal. Then a “true” (high) signal. Then we read. Okay… but that doesn’t make any sense, does it? No, it doesn’t, but maybe with the following bit of code:
sm_config_set_wrap(&c, offset+2, offset+2); // do not repeat pio_encode_wait_gpio instructions
sm_config_set_wrap is used to tell the PIOs how to loop the PIO program. And in this case, we loop after we have executed the instruction at offset+2, and we jump to offset+2. The instruction at offset+2 is the “in” instruction. That is, we just keep executing the “in” instruction, except the first time. The first time, we wait for low on CSYNC, then wait for high on CSYNC, and then (as this state means that the CSYNC pulse is over) we keep reading as fast as we can (at the programmed PIO speed).
Let’s take a look at the results. Remember, we’re converting to monochrome, and only looking at the blue channel. Remember that our super lazy “analog frontend” is super lazy, and the potentiometer has to be fine-tuned to get to a sweet spot that allows everything on the screen to be displayed.
Minor update
Fixing a typo in the code (already fixed above as it made no sense to leave it there) fixed up the signal quite a bit. I also added buttons to fine-tune the pixel clock. This stabilizes the signal significantly. However, hopefully mostly due to the fact that our analog frontend is a bit lame, we get a somewhat fuzzy image, where some pixels change between black and white. I am somewhat tempted to build out the analog frontend properly but before that I think I’ll try my hand at digital RGB, more on that in a later post.
Anyway, here’s the updated code for analog input, with support for two buttons to fine-tune the pixel clock:
#include "include.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/pio.h"
#include "hardware/dma.h"
#include "hardware/structs/bus_ctrl.h"
const uint CAPTURE_PIN_BASE = 9;
const uint CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT = 10; // CSYNC, 3*R, 3*G, 3*B
const uint INCREASE_BUTTON_PIN = 20;
const uint DECREASE_BUTTON_PIN = 21;
const PIO pio = pio1;
const uint sm = 0;
const uint dma_chan = 8; // 0-7 may be used by VGA library (depending on resolution)
const float PIXEL_CLOCK = 5369.3175f; // datasheet (TMS9918A_TMS9928A_TMS9929A_Video_Display_Processors_Data_Manual_Nov82.pdf) page 3-8 / section 3.6.1 says 5.3693175 MHz (10.73865/2)
// the pixel clock has a tolerance of +-0.005 (i.e. +- 5 KHz), let's add a facility to adjust our hard-coded pixel clock:
const float PIXEL_CLOCK_ADJUSTER = 0.1; // KHz
// from same page on datasheet
// COLOR BURST 14 14
// LEFT BORDER 13 19
// TOTAL 342 342
const uint INPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH = 308; // left blanking + color burst + left blanking + left border + active + right border
// TOTAL 262
const uint INPUT_VIDEO_HEIGHT = 240; // top blanking + top border + active + 1/3 of bottom border
const uint INPUT_VIDEO_HEIGHT_OFFSET_Y = 40; // ignore top 40 (top blanking + top border) scanlines
// we're capturing everything there is to see on the horizontal axis, but throwing out most of the border on the vertical axis
// NOTE: other machines probably have different blanking/border periods
const uint OUTPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH = 320;
const uint OUTPUT_VIDEO_HEIGHT = 200;
uint offset; // Lazy global variable; this holds the offset of our PIO program
// Draw box
static inline uint bits_packed_per_word(uint pin_count) {
// If the number of pins to be sampled divides the shift register size, we
// can use the full SR and FIFO width, and push when the input shift count
// exactly reaches 32. If not, we have to push earlier, so we use the FIFO
// a little less efficiently.
const uint SHIFT_REG_WIDTH = 32;
return SHIFT_REG_WIDTH - (SHIFT_REG_WIDTH % pin_count);
void logic_analyser_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint pin_base, uint pin_count, float div) {
// Load a program to capture n pins. This is just a single `in pins, n`
// instruction with a wrap.
static bool already_initialized_once = false;
uint16_t capture_prog_instr[3];
capture_prog_instr[0] = pio_encode_wait_gpio(false, pin_base);
capture_prog_instr[1] = pio_encode_wait_gpio(true, pin_base);
capture_prog_instr[2] = pio_encode_in(pio_pins, pin_count);
struct pio_program capture_prog = {
.instructions = capture_prog_instr,
.length = 3,
.origin = -1
if (already_initialized_once) {
pio_remove_program(pio, &capture_prog, offset);
offset = pio_add_program(pio, &capture_prog);
already_initialized_once = true;
// Configure state machine to loop over this `in` instruction forever,
// with autopush enabled.
pio_sm_config c = pio_get_default_sm_config();
sm_config_set_in_pins(&c, pin_base);
sm_config_set_wrap(&c, offset+2, offset+2); // do not repeat pio_encode_wait_gpio instructions
sm_config_set_clkdiv(&c, div);
// Note that we may push at a < 32 bit threshold if pin_count does not
// divide 32. We are using shift-to-right, so the sample data ends up
// left-justified in the FIFO in this case, with some zeroes at the LSBs.
sm_config_set_in_shift(&c, true, true, bits_packed_per_word(pin_count)); // push when we have reached 32 - (32 % pin_count) bits (27 if pin_count==9, 30 if pin_count==10)
sm_config_set_fifo_join(&c, PIO_FIFO_JOIN_RX); // TX not used, so we can use everything for RX
pio_sm_init(pio, sm, offset, &c);
void logic_analyser_arm(PIO pio, uint sm, uint dma_chan, uint32_t *capture_buf, size_t capture_size_words,
uint trigger_pin, bool trigger_level) {
// TODO: disable interrupts
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, false);
// Need to clear _input shift counter_, as well as FIFO, because there may be
// partial ISR contents left over from a previous run. sm_restart does this.
pio_sm_clear_fifos(pio, sm);
pio_sm_restart(pio, sm);
dma_channel_config c = dma_channel_get_default_config(dma_chan);
channel_config_set_read_increment(&c, false);
channel_config_set_write_increment(&c, true);
channel_config_set_dreq(&c, pio_get_dreq(pio, sm, false)); // pio_get_dreq returns something the DMA controller can use to know when to transfer something
dma_channel_configure(dma_chan, &c,
capture_buf, // Destination pointer
&pio->rxf[sm], // Source pointer
capture_size_words, // Number of transfers
true // Start immediately
pio_sm_exec(pio, sm, pio_encode_jmp(offset)); // just restarting doesn't jump back to the initial_pc AFAICT
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, true);
void blink(uint32_t ms=500)
gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, true);
gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, false);
// uint8_t msb_table_inverted[8] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0 };
uint8_t msb_table_inverted[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3 };
void post_process(uint8_t *rgb_bufy, uint32_t *capture_buf, uint buf_size_words)
uint16_t i, j, k;
uint32_t temp;
for (i = 8, j = 0; i < buf_size_words; i++, j += 3) { // start copying at pixel 24 (8*3) (i.e., ignore left blank and color burst, exactly 24 pixels).
temp = capture_buf[i] >> (2+1); // 2: we're only shifting in 30 bits out of 32, 1: ignore csync
rgb_bufy[j] = msb_table_inverted[temp & 0b111]; // red
rgb_bufy[j] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000) >> 3] << 3); // green
rgb_bufy[j] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000000) >> 6] << 6); // blue
temp >>= 10; // go to next sample, ignoring csync
rgb_bufy[j+1] = msb_table_inverted[temp & 0b111]; // red
rgb_bufy[j+1] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000) >> 3] << 3); // green
rgb_bufy[j+1] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000000) >> 6] << 6); // blue
temp >>= 10; // go to next sample, ignoring csync
rgb_bufy[j+2] = msb_table_inverted[temp & 0b111]; // red
rgb_bufy[j+2] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000) >> 3] << 3); // green
rgb_bufy[j+2] |= (msb_table_inverted[(temp & 0b111000000) >> 6] << 6); // blue
void adjust_pixel_clock(float adjustment) {
static absolute_time_t last_adjustment = { 0 };
static float pixel_clock_adjustment = 0.0f;
absolute_time_t toc = get_absolute_time();
if (absolute_time_diff_us(last_adjustment, toc) > 250000) {
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, false);
pixel_clock_adjustment += adjustment;
last_adjustment = toc;
logic_analyser_init(pio, sm, CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT, ((float)Vmode.freq)/(PIXEL_CLOCK+pixel_clock_adjustment));
int main()
uint16_t i, y;
gpio_set_dir(CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, GPIO_IN);
// initialize videomode
Video(DEV_VGA, RES_CGA, FORM_8BIT, rgb_buf);
// We're going to capture into a u32 buffer, for best DMA efficiency. Need
// to be careful of rounding in case the number of pins being sampled
// isn't a power of 2.
uint total_sample_bits = CAPTURE_N_SAMPLES * CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT;
total_sample_bits += bits_packed_per_word(CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT) - 1;
uint buf_size_words = total_sample_bits / bits_packed_per_word(CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT);
uint32_t *capture_buf0 = (uint32_t*)malloc(buf_size_words * sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t *capture_buf1 = (uint32_t*)malloc(buf_size_words * sizeof(uint32_t));
// Grant high bus priority to the DMA, so it can shove the processors out
// of the way. This should only be needed if you are pushing things up to
// >16bits/clk here, i.e. if you need to saturate the bus completely.
// (Didn't try this)
logic_analyser_init(pio, sm, CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, CAPTURE_PIN_COUNT, (float)Vmode.freq/PIXEL_CLOCK);
// 1) DMA in 1st scan line, wait for completion
// 2) DMA in 2nd scan line, post-process previous scan line, wait for completion
// 3) DMA in 3rd scan line, post-process previous scan line, wait for completion
// ...
// n) Post-process last scanline
// I'm reasonably sure we have enough processing power to post-process scanlines in real time, we should have about 80 us.
// At 126 MHz each clock cycle is about 8 ns, so we have 10000 instructions to process about 320 bytes, or 31.25 instructions per byte.
while (true) {
// "Software-render" vsync detection... I.e., wait for low on csync, usleep for hsync_pulse_time+something, check if we're still low
// If we are, that's a vsync pulse!
// This works well enough AFAICT
while (true) {
while(gpio_get(CAPTURE_PIN_BASE)); // wait for negative pulse on csync
sleep_us(10); // hsync negative pulse is about 4.92 us according to oscilloscope, so let's wait a little longer than 4.92 us
if (!gpio_get(CAPTURE_PIN_BASE)) // we're still low! this must be a vsync pulse
for (y = 0; y <= INPUT_VIDEO_HEIGHT_OFFSET_Y; y ++) { // capture and throw away first 40 scanlines, capture without throwing away 41st scanline
logic_analyser_arm(pio, sm, dma_chan, capture_buf0, buf_size_words, CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, true);
logic_analyser_arm(pio, sm, dma_chan, capture_buf1, buf_size_words, CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, true);
post_process(rgb_buf + (y-1)*OUTPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH, capture_buf0, buf_size_words);
logic_analyser_arm(pio, sm, dma_chan, capture_buf0, buf_size_words, CAPTURE_PIN_BASE, true);
post_process(rgb_buf + y*OUTPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH, capture_buf1, buf_size_words);
post_process(rgb_buf + (y-2)*OUTPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH, capture_buf0, buf_size_words);
if (gpio_get(INCREASE_BUTTON_PIN)) {
adjust_pixel_clock(PIXEL_CLOCK_ADJUSTER); // + some Hz
} else if (gpio_get(DECREASE_BUTTON_PIN)) {
adjust_pixel_clock(-PIXEL_CLOCK_ADJUSTER); // - some Hz
git clone
cd PicoVGA/vga_matrixrain
program.uf2 already exists in this directory, you can copy that to your Pico and it will work. Let’s try to recompile it though:
.../PicoVGA/vga_matrixrain$ make
Nothing happens but program.uf2 gets deleted. Great.
Let’s try this instead:
.../PicoVGA/vga_matrixrain$ make program.uf2
ASM ../_boot2/boot2_w25q080_bin.S
Assembler messages:
Fatal error: can't create build/boot2_w25q080_bin.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [../ build/boot2_w25q080_bin.o] Error 1
Let’s create the ‘build’ subdirectory and try again.
.../PicoVGA/vga_matrixrain$ mkdir build
ASM ../_boot2/boot2_w25q080_bin.S
ASM ../_sdk/bit_ops_aeabi.S
ASM ../_sdk/crt0.S
ASM ../_sdk/divider.S
ASM ../_sdk/divider0.S
ASM ../_sdk/double_aeabi.S
ASM ../_sdk/double_v1_rom_shim.S
ASM ../_sdk/float_aeabi.S
ASM ../_sdk/float_v1_rom_shim.S
ASM ../_sdk/irq_handler_chain.S
ASM ../_sdk/mem_ops_aeabi.S
ASM ../_sdk/pico_int64_ops_aeabi.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_atext.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_attrib8.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_color.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_ctext.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_dtext.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_fastsprite.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_ftext.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_graph1.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_graph2.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_graph4.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_graph8.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_graph8mat.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_graph8persp.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_gtext.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_level.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_levelgrad.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_mtext.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_oscil.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_oscline.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_persp.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_persp2.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_plane2.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_progress.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_sprite.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_tile.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_tile2.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_tilepersp.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_tilepersp15.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_tilepersp2.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_tilepersp3.S
ASM ../_picovga/render/vga_tilepersp4.S
ASM ../_picovga/vga_blitkey.S
ASM ../_picovga/vga_render.S
CC ../_sdk/adc.c
CC ../_sdk/binary_info.c
CC ../_sdk/bootrom.c
CC ../_sdk/claim.c
CC ../_sdk/clocks.c
CC ../_sdk/critical_section.c
CC ../_sdk/datetime.c
CC ../_sdk/dma.c
CC ../_sdk/double_init_rom.c
CC ../_sdk/double_math.c
CC ../_sdk/flash.c
CC ../_sdk/float_init_rom.c
CC ../_sdk/float_math.c
CC ../_sdk/gpio.c
CC ../_sdk/i2c.c
CC ../_sdk/interp.c
CC ../_sdk/irq.c
CC ../_sdk/lock_core.c
CC ../_sdk/mem_ops.c
CC ../_sdk/multicore.c
CC ../_sdk/mutex.c
CC ../_sdk/pheap.c
CC ../_sdk/pico_malloc.c
CC ../_sdk/pio.c
CC ../_sdk/platform.c
CC ../_sdk/pll.c
CC ../_sdk/printf.c
CC ../_sdk/queue.c
CC ../_sdk/rp2040_usb_device_enumeration.c
CC ../_sdk/rtc.c
CC ../_sdk/runtime.c
CC ../_sdk/sem.c
CC ../_sdk/spi.c
CC ../_sdk/stdio.c
CC ../_sdk/stdio_semihosting.c
CC ../_sdk/stdio_uart.c
CC ../_sdk/stdio_usb.c
CC ../_sdk/stdio_usb_descriptors.c
CC ../_sdk/stdlib.c
CC ../_sdk/sync.c
CC ../_sdk/time.c
CC ../_sdk/timeout_helper.c
CC ../_sdk/timer.c
CC ../_sdk/uart.c
CC ../_sdk/unique_id.c
CC ../_sdk/vreg.c
CC ../_sdk/watchdog.c
CC ../_sdk/xosc.c
CC ../_tinyusb/bsp/raspberry_pi_pico/board_raspberry_pi_pico.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/audio/audio_device.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/bth/bth_device.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/cdc/cdc_device.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/cdc/cdc_host.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/cdc/cdc_rndis_host.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/dfu/dfu_rt_device.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/hid/hid_device.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/hid/hid_host.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/midi/midi_device.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/msc/msc_device.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/msc/msc_host.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/net/net_device.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/usbtmc/usbtmc_device.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/vendor/vendor_device.c
CC ../_tinyusb/class/vendor/vendor_host.c
CC ../_tinyusb/common/tusb_fifo.c
CC ../_tinyusb/device/usbd.c
CC ../_tinyusb/device/usbd_control.c
CC ../_tinyusb/host/ehci/ehci.c
CC ../_tinyusb/host/ohci/ohci.c
CC ../_tinyusb/host/hub.c
CC ../_tinyusb/host/usbh.c
CC ../_tinyusb/host/usbh_control.c
CC ../_tinyusb/portable/raspberrypi/rp2040/dcd_rp2040.c
CC ../_tinyusb/portable/raspberrypi/rp2040/hcd_rp2040.c
CC ../_tinyusb/portable/raspberrypi/rp2040/rp2040_usb.c
CC ../_tinyusb/tusb.c
C++ src/main.cpp
In file included from src/main.cpp:8:0:
src/include.h:13:10: fatal error: ../vga.pio.h: No such file or directory
#include "../vga.pio.h" // VGA PIO compilation
compilation terminated.
make: *** [../ build/main.o] Error 1
Where do we get vga.pio.h? It’s nowhere in the directory. Let’s take a look at vga_matrixrain/c.bat:
.../PicoVGA/vga_matrixrain$ make program.uf2
C++ src/main.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/vga.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/vga_layer.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/vga_pal.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/vga_screen.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/vga_util.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/vga_vmode.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/util/canvas.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/util/mat2d.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/util/overclock.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/util/print.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/util/rand.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/util/pwmsnd.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_bold_8x8.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_bold_8x14.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_bold_8x16.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_boldB_8x14.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_boldB_8x16.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_game_8x8.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_ibm_8x8.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_ibm_8x14.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_ibm_8x16.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_ibmtiny_8x8.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_italic_8x8.cpp
C++ ../_picovga/font/font_thin_8x8.cpp
C++ ../_sdk/new_delete.cpp
ld build/program.elf
uf2 program.uf2
make: execvp: ../_exe/elf2uf2.exe: Permission denied
make: *** [../ program.uf2] Error 127
elf2uf2, I’ve seen that before. Let’s check if that’s in the SDK.
.../PicoVGA/vga_matrixrain$ locate elf2uf2
Found it.
Let’s see what exactly needs to be executed here:
make --trace program.uf2
../ update target 'program.uf2' due to: build/program.elf
echo uf2 program.uf2
uf2 program.uf2
../_exe/elf2uf2.exe build/program.elf program.uf2
make: execvp: ../_exe/elf2uf2.exe: Permission denied
make: *** [../ program.uf2] Error 127
This Sony HB-10 was kept inside its original shrink-wrapped box for around 35 years. (Which is longer than I’ve lived.) It’s incredibly clean. There are two clips on the joystick side that make it hard to open. You can imagine how nervous I was about fumbling about with a practically pristine red box, not knowing where the clips are. Fortunately, I found a YouTube video that showed where they are. They are right underneath where the green tape is in many of the images below. I was using the green tape to block the clips so I could half-close the computer while I wasn’t working on it, without again having to spend ages fighting those silly clips when getting back to the computer.
First of all, some board pics in case anyone needs them:
None of the chips are socketed. So let’s spy through the oscilloscope and see some worrying things:
Anyway, these signals aren’t completely out of spec. (And indeed, at least the fuzzy IO turned out to be normal. I.e., this problem didn’t go away after fixing the computer. I didn’t check for the steppy address lines again after getting the computer to work, but I’d hazard a guess that they’re still there. (Update 2022/09/27: I also fixed an HB-11 a while after that, and it had the same fuzzy IO signal on the pin. Most likely nothing to worry about!)
Anyway, what we’ll do today is… build a 26-channel logic analyzer using a Raspberry Pi Pico! And a large handful of resistors to reduce the 5V signals to 3.3V. We connect the logic analyzer to the ROM chip. The ROM chip’s address and data lines are directly connected to the CPU’s address and data lines, and the RAM data lines. Except there’s no A15, but that’s probably all right for now. Using this, we may be able to figure out what’s going on. (Foreshadowing)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#define ALL_REGULAR_GPIO_PINS 0b00011100011111111111111111111111
#define LOGIC_BUFFER_LEN 62660
#define TRIGGER_PIN 28
uint32_t logic_buffer[LOGIC_BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 };
int main() {
int i = 0;
gpio_set_dir_masked(ALL_REGULAR_GPIO_PINS, GPIO_IN);
// wait until /dev/ttyACM0 device is ready on host
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, i%2==0);
gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, 1);
printf("Logic analyzer ready, waiting for trigger\n");
while (gpio_get(TRIGGER_PIN) == 0);
for (i = 0; i < LOGIC_BUFFER_LEN; i++) {
logic_buffer[i] = gpio_get_all() & ALL_REGULAR_GPIO_PINS;
printf("Done recording");
for (i = 0; i < LOGIC_BUFFER_LEN; i++) {
printf("%04x %04x\n", i, logic_buffer[i]);
printf("Done printing\n");
The TRIGGER_PIN is connected to the RESET line of the Z80. The while(gpio_get(TRIGGER_PIN) == 0) waits for this line to go high. (It’s active-low.) Then we just have a for loop that fills the logic_buffer array with the contents of the GPIO pins that we are using. (I.e., all 26 “normal” GPIO pins.)
Then there’s another for loop, which prints out the contents of the buffer.
Let’s avoid spaghetti wiring, and instead prioritize connection convenience. Which unfortunately means that the GPIO pin numbers and address/data line numbers will be pretty much shuffled now. Which means that we need something to decode the output of the logic analyzer to tell us the contents of the address bus and the data bus. And this is a quick and dirty Perl program to do that. Input is on standard input. The bold lines mean that A14 is on GPIO5, A13 on GPIO4, A12 on GPIO11, etc. D7 is on GPIO22, D6 is on GPIO21, etc.
In the unlikely event that you are reading this, and in the unlikelier event that you are thinking of building this thing, I strongly recommend you connect everything in a way that is convenient for you, and fix the values in these bold lines.
And the other way round, address&data to logic analyzer value, which will come in handy later. Note that you need to set the input values in the source code, $address_input and $data_input. (They are set to 0x7c86 and 0x21 respectively in the below example.)
Run openmsx and openmsx-debugger and display logic_analyzer_output_decoded side-by-side
So what do you do if you have reached the end of your trace and would like to see what happens next? In my case I saw that we spent a lot of time in a tight loop initializing memory. That takes up the entire logic buffer. So I’d like to continue reading at a certain address (which can be determined easily by following along in openmsx-debugger), right after the memory is initialized.
That’s where the other Perl script comes in. You think of an address bus value and data bus value where you’d like to continue tracing, and convert that into a value that would be seen by the logic analyzer. Then you modify the logic analyzer program like this, for example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#define ALL_REGULAR_GPIO_PINS 0b00011100011111111111111111111111
#define LOGIC_BUFFER_LEN 62660
#define ADDRESS_PINS 0b00001000000000001111110111111110
#define DATA_PINS 0b00000000011111110000001000000000
#define AFTER_MEMCPY 0x27d3cc
#define AFTER_MEMCPY2 0x8101af2
#define TRIGGER_PIN 28
uint32_t logic_buffer[LOGIC_BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 };
int main() {
int i = 0;
gpio_set_dir_masked(ALL_REGULAR_GPIO_PINS, GPIO_IN);
// wait until /dev/ttyACM0 device is ready on host
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, i%2==0);
gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, 1);
printf("Logic analyzer ready, waiting for trigger\n");
while (gpio_get(TRIGGER_PIN) == 0);
while ((gpio_get_all() & ADDRESS_DATA_PINS) != AFTER_MEMCPY2);
for (i = 0; i < LOGIC_BUFFER_LEN; i++) {
logic_buffer[i] = gpio_get_all() & ALL_REGULAR_GPIO_PINS;
printf("Done recording");
for (i = 0; i < LOGIC_BUFFER_LEN; i++) {
printf("%04x %04x\n", i, logic_buffer[i]);
printf("Done printing\n");
And then it’ll start tracing as soon as it sees that the relevant GPIO pins are equal to AFTER_MEMCPY2, which is just a name I came up with.
Logic analyzer output and analysis
Here are the raw traces I produced. You’d need to use the awk command above to convert them.
You can see that we have a very detailed trace of the Z80’s execution. We can easily see what address is being set by the CPU, and what’s being read at or written to that address. You may also notice that we have a couple gaps in the data, which is why we needed a retake for logic_analyzer_output2. You may also be able to tell that things apparently start at 2 here.
We can easily see that the Z80 is executing code correctly
We can easily see that the ROM is giving us the correct code (the code is identical to what we see in the emulator)
We see that the code is trying to switch banks (out #a8) and identify RAM, by overwriting an address and reading back the same address
In the emulator, it finds the RAM on first try, because it’s connected on “slot 0”, same as the ROM. (Which is possible because this machine only has 16 KB of RAM and 32 KB of ROM, which is less than the 64 KB addressable by the Z80.)
In our logic trace, it gets back a slightly different value from what it had written, which indicates that the RAM is most likely bad!
Let’s take a look at 000-03b6_retake.txt around line 6430+, address 0365 to 036e.
In Z80 asm, we have here: ld hl,#fe00 ld a,(hl) cpl ld (hl),a cp (hl) cpl ld (hl),a jr nz,#0379
This means that we load from #fe00, invert, write this inversion back to #fe00, compare contents of #fe00 with our inverted value, (restore original value,) and if the comparison didn’t quite work out, we jump to #0379.
This code is run a number of times, and it shouldn’t jump to #0379 the first time. (It doesn’t in the emulator. It ought to work the first time because ROM and RAM are both in bank 0. But if the RAM is defective, the comparison will fail!)
We can also see our loads and stores to memory in the logic analyzer:
Line 6510: 7e00 09 (Read 09 from fe00. A15 is missing so fe00 turns into 7e00.)
Line 6575: 7e00 f6 (Wrote f6 to fe00. That’s the inversion of 09.)
Line 6620: 7e00 f7 (Read f7 from fe00. Last time I checked f6 and f7 weren’t equal.)
In our third logic trace, we reach a point where a function is called (7c8c, lines 80-165 in trace) and that function attempts to return. When a function returns, it checks the stack to figure out the correct address to return to (lines 600- in trace). And again, that address doesn’t quite match the address we had written when we executed the CALL instruction! In the trace we can clearly see that it’s reading 7d8f, when it should have been 7c8f. 7d is 01111101, 7c is 01111100. So it would appear that we have a stuck bit in D0.
So we now jump to a rather random location, which means we start to execute nonsense code.
At some point, the nonsense code jumps to f380 (which is uninitialized RAM). (Note that the trace doesn’t have A15, so it looks like 7380.) And while we’re now completely off the rails and firmly in nonsense territory, the see that everything here appears to have D0 set!
So before we take out the RAM chip, let’s see if we can rule out any other possible malfunctions that could lead to this behavior.
The RAM’s address pins are not connected directly to the CPU’s address bus, instead they are most likely connected via the nearby 74LS157 chips (I didn’t check TBH). Could these be the cause of this failure?
They would have to magically produce addresses that always have D0 set; that’s very unlikely.
When writing the return address to the stack, we should get back the correct value because the same address should be generated when reading and writing. But we’re not reading the correct value back, so it’s very unlikely that the 74LS157 is translating our addresses incorrectly.
Some other chip is interfering with the RAM’s output
Unlikely, as it’s just a single bit that is erroneous
Nothing is interfering with the ROM’s output or IO outputs
We could probably see this on the oscilloscope
Checking RAM chips with just a multimeter?
Before taking out the chip (which is quite a chore without a desoldering iron), I put my multimeter in diode mode and checked if there’s anything unusual about the chip. And there was! Putting my positive lead on ground and the negative lead on each of the data pins, I noticed that I got a different voltage drop on the pin for the suspected defective bit, 515 mV. On all others I got 462 mV. (Disclaimer: note that this is an in-circuit test and the RAM chip isn’t the only path from ground to the data pin. I also forgot to check again after removing the chip, so take this with a heap of salt.)
So let’s see what happens when we replace that RAM chip and boot!
Did you guys know that the word “Sokoban” is Japanese? I only recently realized that when I saw the game for sale somewhere. 倉庫番!
Also, the Raspberry Pi Pico is fast. 3.3V is inconvenient, but not the end of the world.
The Hitachi MB-H2 has an integrated cassette deck, which allows both music playback (sounds quite okay even) and data recording. Below are two somewhat high-resolution images of the backside of the analog board with the RF shield removed. This is almost as good as having the schematics (which nobody does AFAIK), because the backside has labels for everything, including transistor orientation and lines indicating how things on the front side are connected, and the traces are relatively easy to see. If you are experiencing problems with the analog board, this may help you, and you won’t even have to get rid of your RF shield or take the board out of the computer (which is pretty annoying).
In my case, the pre-amplifier IC (left of the tape head connector when viewed from above) wasn’t getting much voltage, only around 1.21V. This is under the RF shield, but it’s quite easy to follow the trace using the above images. The pre-amplifier’s VCC is on the 12V rail, but there’s a slightly larger than normal 100 ohm resistor (according to the bands) (R126), and a cap to ground between it and the 12V rail. The gold band on my resistor looked slightly thicker than usual, and when I measured it I got 130 kiloohms! (The capacitor’s capacitance and ESR seemed okay still). I replaced the 100 ohm resistor of unknown power rating with a 2W 100 ohm resistor, and immediately playback and loading started working! Yay.
Tape drive mechanism repair and re-assembly
(Disclaimer: I didn’t know much about tape drives going into this)
Somebody before me had removed the belt (probably because it was broken), so I replaced that. I don’t remember the exact length, but this rather cheap set: had a belt that fit. (Since the original belt was gone, I don’t know if they have the same thickness as the original belt, but they do feel a little thin maybe.)
Disassembling the tape drive isn’t that hard, but there is more than one way of putting it all back together, and only one way is the correct way! This tape drive has two motors and one electromagnet (blue). One motor is on all the time and drives the capstan roller (IIRC). The other motor only runs when you press play or rewind, etc. (Or issue CALL PLAY etc., from BASIC). The electromagnet exists in order to hold the head mechanism close to the tape. (Or to prevent it from staying in place?) There’s a white plastic piece of plastic that has a hole, and the electromagnet’s pin has to go through this hole. Important: the electromagnet has to be attached to the white plastic piece correctly. The electromagnet is necessary to release the head mechanism when you press stop, and if it isn’t attached correctly, the head mechanism stays attached to the tape. Since the motor driving the roller is running all the time, and thus keeps driving the capstan, but the reel stops, this means your cassette’s tape will be moving, but the cassette’s reels aren’t moving. Your cassette’s tape will be spilled all over the place!
Eject mechanism
The eject mechanism consists of a button (which probably contains a spring, but I wasn’t able to get it out), a metal rod with a 90 degree bend on one side, a piece of metal the rod gets mounted with, some plastic parts (including a spring) that are mounted on the tape mechanism itself, and the lid.
The metal rod would strongly prefer to be a straight rod, but is forced into an unnatural shape by the piece of metal (which needs to be screwed in tight). The metal rod’s bent end goes into a small hole on the piece of metal and the other end presses down on the lid’s hinge. The rod’s tension causes the lid to strongly prefer to be in the “eject” position.
The eject mechanism only works reliably when the computer’s top part of the case is firmly attached to the bottom part, because otherwise the plastic parts mounted on the tape mechanism itself don’t properly hook into the plastic on the eject button. When this is hooked properly, this rod is forced into a slightly more tense state. When you press eject, the lid opens up rather forcefully. Even with everything closed properly, I find that you also have to press rather hard on the tape lid to close it again after ejecting.
Keyboard “repair”
Many of the keys on my machine only worked barely. To get them to work properly, you need cotton swabs and IPA. I strongly recommend you do the cleaning while the computer is powered on (if you don’t short anything unrelated, nothing terrible will happen). Only this way will you be able to get a feeling for how much rubbing is required on your machine. (I had to rub quite hard.)
Edit 2023/06
Edit one year later: Note: I am not a very experienced keyboard repairman! I _think_ that these contacts are just gold-plated copper and rubbing slightly harder won’t damage them, but I do not know for sure! My keyboard works 100% even one year after I did this, but TBH the keys feel very mushy and you have to make them go all the way down to effect a key press. I don’t know what the keyboard was like when it was new. I’ve heard of people using a pencil to put some more conductive carbon on the rubber pad, or rubbing the rubber into a freshly laser-printed black page, and there’s also this type of product here:
Edit 2023/08
So I tried rubbing the rubber pads on copy paper. This worked brilliantly! Before, I had to push down keys pretty much all the way to effect a keypress, now I can type almost normally. I got this tip from here:
BTW I clean the contacts on the PCB side with isopropanol, and in extreme cases, with an ink eraser. On the rubber side, I gently wipe them on a piece if paper. This takes off a smidgin of the conductive carbon surface, exposing fresh carbon. It can help a lot.
Note: You’ll get a grey/black streak on your paper.
(Edits end here)
I cleaned the keyboard keycaps using an ultrasonic cleaner. I used lukewarm water and a small amount of dishwashing soap. This worked perfectly. Hint: ultrasonic cleaners can be bought used for pretty cheap. I guess it’s the sort of item people buy because they do clean glasses pretty well, but then rarely use, and eventually get rid of. (I also retrobrighted some of the keys (and the case). Most normal keys were fine, but the space bar, cursor keys, and most of the function keys were yellowed. I used sodium percarbonate and the sun. I’m not an expert on retrobrighting, but this was cheap and worked okay.)
While we’re talking about cleaning, let’s take a look at these two lovely pictures.
Running software
I had a quick look at the prices for used cartridges and decided I don’t want to spend money on software that has been paid for already. (A couple hundred yen would be fine I guess.) caught my attention. Especially as I was able to buy one off Yahoo Auctions without waiting too long. You just need to solder a socket and program an EPROM chip with the game data. Used EPROM chips are super cheap, but as I don’t have an EPROM eraser, I decided to get a Flash EEPROM chip with a similar pinout instead. The Flash EEPROM chip I got is larger (32 pins) than the ones the creator of this board had in mind (28 pins), which means that two address pins, +5 and \WE hang over the edge of the socket. Using conductive tape, I added a “trace” to the side of my socket to hold pins 1 and 2 (A16 and A18) to GND. On the other side, pin 30 (A17) sits where +5 is supplied by the PCB. I could have probably added traces using conductive tape, but since there are two tiny SMD capacitors right under my pin 32, I decided to cut the socket so I wouldn’t apply pressure to the caps, which means that my pin 31 (\WE) and 32 (VCC) are floating in mid-air. I used test clips to connect these to +5. Since A17 is where +5 is located, I have to program my software to 0x24000 instead of 0x4000. I use this to program my Flash EEPROM: (My Flash EPROM is an AMIC A29040 but works wonderfully with this.) This code appears to have gotten slightly old, I had to change my serial buffer size in HardwareSerial.h by setting:
SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE (with “_RX_” or “_TX_”) doesn’t appear to be used in this context. At first I also set SERIAL_TX_BUFFER_SIZE to 256, but that appears to break the deploy process, so don’t touch that, I guess. (And yes, if you don’t set the serial buffer size, you won’t be able to write to your EEPROM. You will still be able to identify it though.)