

http://cookpad.com/recipe/252807 簡単☆チキンカレー(中毒性あり)

http://cookpad.com/recipe/529993 レポ1000人感謝●簡単本格ナン●

http://cookpad.com/recipe/2000611 カレー焼きそば



http://cookpad.com/recipe/2730789 トマトと卵の中華炒め

  • 仕上げに、米酢を入れます!(小さじ2杯は既に少し多いかもしれません)
  • お弁当には向いていないです。卵とトマトは半熟くらいが美味しいです!
  • 中華スープの素は、顆粒のものを使った方が良いです。私はウェイパーで作っていますが、ウェイパーだと、溶けにくいです。
  • 中国で食べたものは、トマトと卵以外の具は入っていませんでした。

http://cookpad.com/recipe/2563740  ウェイパァーでふわふわ卵のレタススープ


http://cookpad.com/recipe/837544 濃厚ウマ辛♪坦々麺

http://cookpad.com/recipe/2183021 簡単ズボラ、味は本格★チンジャオロース



http://cookpad.com/recipe/2588173 簡単☆小麦粉で作るチーズお好み焼き

http://cookpad.com/recipe/2407781 もっちり美味しい♡ニラの薄焼き

http://cookpad.com/recipe/2348826 エリンギの帆立風!にんにくバター醤油焼き

http://cookpad.com/recipe/2921320 大根と合挽き肉の甘煮

http://cookpad.com/recipe/2839788 ♡レンコンと秋刀魚の黒酢あんかけ♡

http://cookpad.com/recipe/1374729 手作り和風ドレッシング☆

Buying a new used laptop in Akihabara

The laptop I’m still typing this on recently developed a loose contact in the AC adapter’s cable. The laptop I’m currently using was also bought used in Akihabara in 2013, for only about 8000 JPY. However, it was lacking a wireless card, had only 1 GB of memory, and had an 80 GB harddisk in it. Well, I put in the SSD and memory and wireless card from my old broken laptop, and performance-wise had myself something very close to that old laptop. Except instead of a Core2 Duo P7350 CPU, I now had a T7250. So that’s a tiny performance decrease. (This link has benchmarks for both CPUs: http://cpubenchmark.net/midlow_range_cpus.html)

Annoyed about the AC adapter, I decided to head to Akihabara to find a new (well, or used) one. HP part 384021-001. But since this laptop is kind of old and slow and only supports up to 4 GB of memory, I also headed to Yodobashi Camera to look at new laptops first. I thought the HP Spectre looked quite nice on HP’s website. But the real thing looks a bit flimsy and only seems to come with Thunderbolt ports. Wow, they still sell laptops with 2 GB of memory. They still sell laptops that only support up to 4 GB of memory. They still sell laptops with harddrives! And they’re still like 50,000+ JPY (currently 480 USD). The good ones are all 100,000+ JPY (961 USD). Boo, let’s get out of here.

And I found my AC adapter, for only 1500 JPY! Great, but the guys at the store wouldn’t let me test it right there… Lame, so half-thinking they’d let me after all if I told them that would be a bit risky for me and walked out (they didn’t), I decided to check out other shops, and found one that wanted about 2500 JPY. Hrm. And thus I decided to just go ahead and buy a new used laptop. I’d already sort of looked for bargains while looking for the AC adapter, and found something really good: A 2012 Lenovo ThinkPad (T430S), with an i5-3320M (4013 points vs. 1120 points on the T7250 as per http://cpubenchmark.net/mid_range_cpus.html), 8 GB of memory (upgradable to 16 GB), a 240 GB SSD, and Windows 7 Professional. Price: about 35000 JPY (336 USD). Also, the shop had a dozen of these laptops or more. The shopkeeper asked me if there’s anything I’m especially interested in given all this choice. Well, I just said I’d like a decent battery, and then the shopkeeper looked for a laptop with a clean keyboard, and tried various batteries to see which one had a good remaining capacity. Well, he found me one that had almost 100% remaining.

So how do these specs compare to a new laptop these days? Let’s take the MacBook Pro (“Early 2015”) that I had been using at my previous workplace. Note that this is still the newest MacBook Pro available. Apple hasn’t updated this line yet. The one I was using was purchased new in around October 2015 for I’d assume about 172,800 JPY. That’s the current price for a similar model anyway. Compared to the one I bought used, that’s the same amount of memory, an i5-5257U with a score of 4339 on http://cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html (i.e. 8% faster than my new 4-year-old laptop), and a similarly sized SSD. Now, the MacBook is lighter, has a really nice touchpad and a very nice retina display, probably higher-grade memory, and the SSD appears to be plugged into PCIe, but is that really worth 4.94 times the price? Not in my opinion. (Note: you can buy used MacBooks, but they’re still around 100,000+ JPY.)

So looking for a used laptop and care about price, condition, and battery performance? I’d say Akihabara is a good place to go.



この度、ガラケー向けのMixiアプリを作ることになりました。こういうアプリのリクエストは、実機 → Mixiが運営しているサーバー → アプリ用サーバー、という流れで送られるようです。(もちろんサーバーから実機への回答は逆の流れです。)Mixiのサーバーは、各リクエストに、ユーザーのMixi IDみたいな文字列を付けてくれて、そして本当にMixiのサーバーから来たリクエストかどうかを検証できるように、署名も付けてくれます。




archive.orgのおかげです: https://web.archive.org/web/20100912034001/http://developer.mixi.co.jp/appli/spec/mob/validate-oauth-signature



Ruby on Railsだと、下記のようなコードで検証できます。

def mixi_signed_request_mobile?
    require 'cgi'
    oauth_header = request.headers["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"].split(/\s*,\s*/)
    oauth_header_hash = Hash[oauth_header.map { |keqv| keqv.gsub('"', '').split('=') }]

    base_string_array = [
      "oauth_consumer_key=" + @client_id,
      "oauth_nonce=" + oauth_header_hash["oauth_nonce"],
      "oauth_signature_method=" + "HMAC-SHA1",
      "oauth_timestamp=" + oauth_header_hash["oauth_timestamp"],
      "oauth_version=" + "1.0"
    if request.get?
      uri = URI.parse(request.url)
      query_array = URI.decode_www_form(uri.query)
      base_string_array += query_array.map{|param| "#{CGI.escape(param[0])}=#{CGI.escape(param[1])}"} # takes care of opensocial_app_id and opensocial_owner_id as well
      # don't need the actual parameters for post requests (mixi-specific awkwardness)
      base_string_array += ["opensocial_app_id=#{params["opensocial_app_id"]}", "opensocial_owner_id=#{params["opensocial_owner_id"]}"]
    url = request.original_url.gsub(/\?.*/, '') # can't use request.base_url + request.path because the trailing slash is sometimes(?) cut off
    baseString = request.method + "&" + CGI.escape(url) + "&" + CGI.escape(base_string_array.join("&")) # [] and utf-8 are doubly percent-encoded!! e.g. "テスト" becomes "%25E3%2583%2586%25E3%2582%25B9%25E3%2583%2588"!!!!!

    sha1 = OpenSSL::HMAC::digest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new, @client_secret + "&", baseString)
    base64 = Base64.strict_encode64(sha1)

    return CGI.escape(base64) == oauth_header_hash["oauth_signature"]

(The above explanation and code show how to verify Mixi’s OAuth 1.0 signatures, as used with Japanese feature phone apps.)


I recently started a job at a Japanese app development company that is mostly making fortune telling apps and the occasional personality test. I’m getting to work on some interesting stuff, including app development, web development, one-off utilities, and server administration. My first assignment was a personality test, and since it’s released now, I think I’m just going to link to it below.


ブラック心理テスト@Play Store (Android)
ブラック心理テスト@App Store (iPhone)


Male and female kanji (And how to process ENAMDICT’s XML in Perl)

The other day, someone told me that the kanji 漢 (the 漢 in 漢字) usually indicates a male name. This made me wonder what other kanji there are that might indicate a female or male name. So I downloaded JMnedict.xml and processed it a little bit.

Side note: Both XML::LibXML and MySQL’s import from XML thingy turned out to be uselessly slow, so I did this using XML::Twig. Here’s some lazy code to extract all the <keb> elements and their associated name_type:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use XML::Twig;
use strict;

binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");

my $t = XML::Twig->new(twig_handlers => { entry => \&entry });


sub entry {
    my ($t, $entry) = @_;
    my ($keb, $name_type);

    eval {
        $keb = $entry->first_child("k_ele")->first_child("keb")->text;
        $name_type = $entry->first_child("trans")->first_child("name_type")->text;
    print "$keb\t$name_type\n" if (!$@);

Now we have a file that looks like this:

ゝ泉    given name or forename, gender not specified
〆      female given name or forename

Great names, eh? Then we just do:

grep female all_names.csv > female_names.csv
grep "[^e]male" all_names.csv > male_names.csv
perl -C -n -e 'while ($_ =~ s/(\p{Block=CJK_Unified_Ideographs})//) { print "$1\n" }' female_names.csv | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -n > female_kanji.csv # Perl's -C option enables unicode everywhere. Unfortunately, this option doesn't work on the #! line.
perl -C -n -e 'while ($_ =~ s/(\p{Block=CJK_Unified_Ideographs})//) { print "$1\n" }' male_names.csv | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -n > male_kanji.csv
sed -i "s/^\s*//" female_kanji.csv # fix leading whitespace chars from uniq -c
sed -i "s/^\s*//" male_kanji.csv

Then we put the two files into two different sheets of the same file in a spreadsheet program. (I used LibreOffice, but Excel is better. Seriously.) Call one sheet “Female”, the other “Male”, and on a third sheet, concatenate the two lists of kanji and filter out the duplicates (in column A), and use the following formulas for columns B to E, respectively:

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A2, Female.$A$1:$B$1601, 2, 0)), 0, VLOOKUP(A2, Female.$A$1:$B$1601, 2, 0))
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A2, Male.$A$1:$B$1601, 2, 0)), 0, VLOOKUP(A2, Male.$A$1:$B$1601, 2, 0))
=IF(ISERROR(B2/C2), 1000000, B2/C2)

(In LibreOffice Calc, you use a period instead of an exclamation mark to reference cells on a different sheet in formulas. LibreOffice Calc doesn’t support the IFERROR() function. I know that 1,000,000 is not the answer to n/0, but we’d like a high number for sorting purposes.) Copy the formulas down and perhaps add the following headers in the top row: Kanji, Female, Male, Ratio, Count. Copy the whole thing without formulas to a new sheet, sort by ratio, and then by count. Perhaps filter out all the kanji that have a count < 10. Here’s a link to my files: kanji_usage_in_names.ods (OpenDocument) and kanji_usage_in_names.xlsx (Excel 2007+).

So it turns out that there are hundreds of kanji that are strong indicators for the gender of a name. By the way, JMnedict.xml’s data isn’t very good: for example, even names like 大介 aren’t gender-classified yet. We’ve got only 1,719 unique kanji for all the gender-classified names, 1,601 unique kanji for female names, and 873 unique kanji for male names. Pretty low and weird numbers. So don’t expect too much accuracy.

Free eBook/Kostenloses eBook: 小松左京『お召し』Komatsu Sakyô: “Omeshi”/„Der Abruf“ (German)

In this post, we provide a download link to a free (German) eBook for your reading pleasure (if you can read German, that is): Komatsu Sakyô’s “Omeshi”. This is a German translation of a Japanese short story, so it doesn’t make much sense to write a post about this in English, soeverything below this paragraph will be in German. It might still be a good idea to convey a tiny bit of information in English, however: Komatsu Sakyô (1931-2011) (where “Komatsu” is the family name) was a Japanese science fiction author. “Omeshi” was first published in Japan’s S-Fマガジン (S-F Magazine) in 1964. As far as we know, this short story has never been translated into a western language before. We do not have the distribution rights for the Japanese version, and we do not have the rights to sell our translation for money. Nonetheless, donations are appreciated! If you don’t want to spend any money, it would be just as awesome (or even awesomer!) if you could tell possibly interested friends or acquaintances about Qiqitori, this blog, and/or about this eBook. Please note that we do not have the rights to pass on distribution rights of this eBook to you. This means that you shouldn’t just pass on the files you have downloaded here, but rather link to this blog post. We would license this eBook under a Creative Commons license if we could, but as far as we know, we can’t. :(

In diesem Blog-Eintrag stellen wir ein kostenloses eBook zur Verfügung: „Der Abruf“ von Komatsu Sakyô (1931-2011) (wobei Komatsu der Familienname ist), einem japanischen Science-Fiction-Autor. „Omeshi“ ist eine Kurzgeschichte und wurde das erste Mal im japanischen S-Fマガジン (S-F Magazine) im Jahre 1964 veröffentlicht. Nach unserem Wissen hat es bisher noch keine Übersetzungen in eine westliche Sprache gegeben. Wir sind leider nicht im Besitz der notwendigen Rechte, um die japanische Version zum kostenlosen Herunterladen zur Verfügung zu stellen, und die deutsche Version dürfen wir auch nur kostenlos anbieten, aber falls Sie merken, dass Ihnen das Lesen dieser Kurzgeschichte Spaß gemacht hat, würden wir uns um eine kleine Spende freuen. Noch besser wäre es jedoch, wenn Sie möglicherweise interessierte Freunde und Bekannte auf Qiqitori, dieses Blog und/oder dieses eBook aufmerksam machen könnten! Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir nicht im Besitz der Rechte sind, das Distributionsrecht dieser Übersetzung an Sie weiterzugeben. Das heißt, dass Sie möglicherweise Interessierten nicht die Datei selber, sondern einen Link zu diesem Blog-Eintrag geben sollten. Wir würden dieses eBook unter einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz veröffentlichen, wenn wir könnten, aber soweit wir wissen, dürfen wir das nicht. :(

Damit Sie dieses eBook auf möglichst angenehme Art und Weise lesen können, stellen wir es in verschiedenen Formaten zur Verfügung. Drücken Sie auf einen der folgenden Links, um das eBook herunterzuladen.

Aktuelle Versionsnummer: 1.0 für alle Formate.

Komatsu Sakyo – Der Abruf (PDF, A5-Format)

Komatsu Sakyo – Der Abruf (Mobipocket (.mobi), unter anderem für den Amazon Kindle)

Komatsu Sakyo – Der Abruf (EPUB, unter anderem für den Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo eReader, Sony Reader und viele eBook-Apps auf Smartphones)

On Buying a 定期券 (teikiken, Commuter Pass) and Long Commutes in Japan

Wow, my first post about Japan! I like it here, but unfortunately, I don’t have anything particularly wonderful to relate to you today. In fact, this might very well come across as a complaint!

I live near Tokyo, and the other day I bought a teikiken (commuter pass that is valid for at least one month) that is (among other routes) valid between Shinjuku and Shinagawa (using the Yamanote line). At ¥5,670 for one month, it wasn’t too expensive, in my opinion. This part of the commute would normally cost ¥190 without a commuter pass and the average number of workdays per month is 21.741 (this figure doesn’t include public holidays). So that is ¥190*21.741, which equals ¥4,130.79. Oops, normally you don’t just want to get back from work, it is often expected that you actually go to work, too! So we need to multiply this by two, and then we get ¥8,261.58. So we save about ¥2,591, or 31%. Not bad. (Note that as pointed out in the comments, the amount you save varies depending on the route, and may just barely reach break-even in some cases!)

As you might have guessed, there’s something about this recent experience that I haven’t told you yet. You can apparently buy commuter passes at ticket vending machines, but I opted to buy mine at a JR ticket counter. Mostly because I didn’t want to make any mistakes. And who knows what might have happened, because I have a special Suica card that you can only get when you buy a Narita Express+Suica bundle. (It looks much better than a regular Suica card.) Anyway, the woman at the ticket counter told me that I have to buy a regular one; special ones can’t be turned into commuter passes. There’s a ¥500 fee, but you get those ¥500 back if you decide you don’t want your card anymore. So no problem there. One more thing: I need my commuter pass for four months, and you can only buy commuter passes that are valid for 1, 3, or 6 months. So I had the choice between buying a one-month pass first and a three-month pass later, buying both at the same time, or buying a three-month pass first and a one-month pass later. If you ever find yourself in a situation like this, definitely buy the one that’s valid for the shorter period first. That way you can maybe switch to a different route later, or maybe you’ll realize that you’ve been scammed somehow. Who knows, right?

The night I bought the ticket, I met up with a friend in Shinbashi, which is on the Yamanote line, but not between Shinjuku and Shinagawa. (It’s three more stops from Shinagawa.) I sort of had a feeling that I was going to be disappointed with the way your fare is handled when you want to go a couple stations farther than your commuter pass is valid for, and my hunch was right: you pay the full fare from the station where your commuter pass ends to the station you get off, which means paying ¥150 for a trip from, e.g., Shinjuku to Tamachi, which is one stop farther than Shinagawa, even though the normal fare from Shinjuku to Tamachi is ¥190. So you’ve already got a ticket that covers 82.8% of the total distance of your journey, but you have to pay an extra 78.9% for the remaining 17.2%.

Careful readers might have noticed that the fare from Shinjuku to Tamachi is the same as from Shinjuku to Shinagawa. When I got home the night I bought the ticket, I decided to check what a commuter pass from Shinjuku to Tamachi would cost. And amazingly enough, the price is exactly the same. In fact, the price is the same or less, almost no matter where you want to go on the Yamanote line. (However, since the Yamanote line is a loop line, you won’t be able to get off for free at any stations on the opposite semicircle.) I would have expected someone who sells commuter passes to tell customers about this, and feel that it’s borderline fraud not to do so. Expensive fares* and packed trains had me slightly miffed at Japanese railway companies before this, but this time I’m fairly annoyed.

* What in the world do they do with all that fare money? By the way, according to this article, approximately one passenger per car is enough to cover the electricity bill for trains.

It turns out that at least one person has written an online tool that tells you how to buy your commuter pass: http://teiki.mooo.com/ (Japanese) This site also includes a tool that searches for regular, non-teikiken routes for Tokyo and Tokyo’s suburbs. For one-way trips, it’ll normally produce the same output as Yahoo!, (with the 表示順序 (hyōji-junjo, display order) set to 料金が安い順 (ryōkin ga yasui jun, order by fare, cheap to expensive),  except that Yahoo!’s route calculator sometimes won’t give you the cheapest route if it decides that the next time this route is available is too many minutes in the future… However, especially for round-trips, it’s sometimes cheaper to get a day pass, and teiki.mooo.com will tell you when that is the case.

My commute is two hours every day. Once I’ve reached Shinjuku, it feels like I’ve practically almost reached my workplace. How does one survive a two-hour commute? By sleeping, of course! Unfortunately, there usually aren’t any seats available where I get on the train. So what do you do in this case? You stand next to somebody who’s wearing a high school uniform. These people don’t have long commutes, and you’ll be able to get their seat after a couple stops! By the way, I used to use a different, slightly faster route that pretty much guarantees that you’ll get a seat. Unfortunately, the company I work for only pays for the cheapest route available. Another by the way: the one-way tickets are only an extra ¥20 for this route, but the commuter pass is an extra ¥8,000. Similarly, there is a route that is ¥30 cheaper than the route via Shinjuku, but the commuter pass is an extra ¥7,000… (Its trains are also extremely packed.) By the way, if your company says they’ll pay for a commuter pass, they’ll probably also pay for one-way tickets before you manage to get your commuter pass. Use that time to find a decent route! If they don’t, figure out how much you save if you had a commuter pass, and if using one-way tickets for a while isn’t that much more expensive, consider using these for a while.

Now I’d like to share one more mind-boggling tidbit: let’s pretend we’re taking a train from Odawara to Shinagawa. Let’s not take a look at the cheapest route, which uses the Odakyū line, but rather JR’s Tōkaidō line via Yokohama: ¥1,280. Now let’s see how much we pay if we change to the Keikyū line in Yokohama: ¥1,240. Next we’ll look at the Tōkaidō line’s fare from Yokohama to Shinagawa: ¥280. Now you’d naturally expect the Keikyū line’s fare from Yokohama to Shinagawa to be less than that, wouldn’t you? Sorry to disappoint you, but it’s ¥290! And here’s the explanation (Japanese).

There’s one more thing to add about the route from Odawara to Shinagawa. If you want to buy a teikiken, it’s cheaper to get a 分割定期券 (bunkatsu teikiken, split commuter pass). This basically divides your route into a part from Odawara to Yokohama, and a part from Yokohama to Shinagawa. You can put this on a single Suica card, though the person at the counter might tell you that is not possible, if he or she is slightly inexperienced. Well, okay, it used to be impossible. Anyway, you don’t have to get off and on again at Yokohama, you just stay on your train. However, if you want a commuter pass from Odawara to Shinagawa, you might want to decide against a split one, because you can’t combine these with 特急料金回数券 (tokkyū ryōkin kaisūken, kaisūken: usually 11 tickets for the price of 10, or 10 tickets for a cheaper price; this kaisūken is an add-on to your normal teikiken, and covers the price difference for the shinkansen (tokkyū ryōkin)). And if you do commute from Odawara to Shinagawa, I am sure you will want to use the Shinkansen occasionally. (The kaisūken is ¥9,500 for 10 tickets.) I like this. The JR are doing something right for once! By the way, the tokkyū ryōkin for this route is ¥1,680, so this kaisūken is way better value (about 43% off) than when you buy 11 tickets for the price of 10 (about 9% off).

Okay, one more annoyance that I’ve accidentally discovered: if you enter Akihabara station, realize that you actually need to get on the train from Iwamotochō, and decide to use the exit closer to Iwamotochō station on your way out of Akihabara station, you’ll get money stolen from your Suica card! Fortunately, the ticket gate will beep and not let you through automatically (if I remember correctly). You’ll have to go the person watching the ticket gates. They’ll tell you that you have to either go back to the exit you came from, or pay (approximately) ¥120 to use this exit. Lovely!

And that’s it for now. If you’ve had any annoying experiences regarding Japanese trains, please leave a comment. Don’t let it eat you up! :P